In order for a foreign national to work in Canada, a work permit is required. You must have an open work permit or an employer-specific work permit. Business investors/entrepreneurs, permanent workers, temporary workers, and students can work in Canada with a work permit with the possibility to renew or extend their work permit if they meet the eligibility requirements.
An open work permit allows you to work without restrictions as to the employers you can work for except for one that
To be eligible for an employer-specific work permit, your employer must prove to service Canada that efforts have been made to recruit Canadians and Permanent Residents for the position. This will entail showing proof of advertisements and the legitimacy of the job being offered to the foreign national. This type of work permit is employer-specific which restricts the foreign national to working only for the employer stated on his or her work permit.
The LMIA-exempt work permit enables foreign nationals to apply for a work permit without going through the LMIA process. To be eligible for this type of work permit, your employer must prove that the job is exempted from LMIA under:
To apply for a work permit a foreign national must provide some supporting documentation to prove their eligibility: